Category: Consumer Stories
The Consumers Insights Series was developed by Health Consumers’ Council in consultation with WA consumers, carers and community members with lived experience of overweight and obesity.
I am a proud Ngarigo woman, a mother and a grandmother and I live with obesity and have most of my life.
I have spent my entire life living with obesity. My. Entire. Life.
I worked very hard to lose weight, through daily exercise, various diets. I did have some success, unfortunately, not for long.
For all of my life I have carried more weight than I would like.
I’ve had a weight problem for much of my life since I was about 8 or 9 years old. I was placed on diets repeatedly and I repeatedly failed.
When I stopped nursing, and when I got to peri-menopause, that’s when I started to put on weight.
I’ve tried everything all kinds of diets, gone to all kinds of gyms.