Working together to change our future

Our core principle is to work together to create better options for people living with overweight and obesity. We bring people to the table to break down the silos that exist between professionals, organisations, and people living in larger bodies. Because by working together we are able to motivate each other and make the most of limited resources. Most importantly, together we can make changes across the different areas that impact a person’s life.

We understand that everyone has an important piece of the puzzle. And it is only together that we can leverage the information, access, innovations and resources that each person and organisation has.

A critical part of genuine collaboration is keeping the voice of the person impacted by overweight and obesity at the centre of everything we do. Their voice, stories, and desires keep us focussed. It helps us challenge the way health and care have always been delivered. And it helps us work for better person-centred outcomes. It ensures we don’t lose sight of the outcomes we need to deliver.

The WELL Collaborative members are working on a number of projects to improve the health and wellbeing of people impacted by overweight and obesity.

Check out our impact

“Start treating people who live in larger bodies like human beings. It is not easy being told every day that you are a burden on the health system and will face an early death just because you have more flesh than someone else. Don’t assume everyone who is in a larger body is unhealthy, and vice versa.”

Anonymous, 2018

Resources for collaboration

There are lots of resources out there that can provide a framework for collaboration, partnership, co-design, collective impact, and collaborative governance. The resources and websites below are some of the ones that we use on a regular basis to guide our work and interactions.
What is co-design?
It’s about bringing together people and professionals to jointly make decisions, informed by each others expertise.
Woman and daughter walking holding hands through leaves
Collaborative governance
Collaborative governance is the way collaborations organise themselves to achieve their goal.
birds eye view of team sitting around a table with post-it notes and paper
Embedding a systems approach
10 critical building blocks for effectively embedding a systems approach to tackling overweight and obesity.
Collective Impact
We use the principles of collective impact to create a clear and shared agenda across all our partners and stakeholders. We work towards the same goal, with the same principles, and the same way of measuring our success.
Business people meeting
Framework for engagement
The Mental Health Commission have developed the Working Together: Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug Engagement Framework 2018 – 2025 and Toolkit.
Grandfather with grandchildren
The parable of the blobs and squares
Why, Government wondered, did every time they tried to solve a problem, the problem seemed to get worse?
Business hands joined together teamwork

Join the movement today

Sign up to get the latest information on The WELL Collaborative. We’ll also reach out to connect with you to help us make changes in how we deal with the subject of overweight and obesity across WA.

Contact us