Our whole is greater than the sum of our parts

Delivering the WA Healthy Weight Action Plan

We have worked collaboratively across the health system, non-government agencies, community groups, and with people impacted by overweight and obesity to make lasting change in our community. Below are overviews of some of the projects that deliver on actions from the WA Healthy Weight Action Plan 2019-2024.

“The health system needs to acknowledge difference and that people will want and need different things on their weight loss/being healthy journey”

Anonymous, 2018

Impact across WA

The WELL Collaborative connects with other teams across WA Health, non-government organisations, and other government agencies who are committed to changing the health and wellbeing of people impacted by overweight and obesity. We share successes, innovations, lessons learnt, network with each other, and collaborate on projects where needed.

There is a lot more going on to implement the WA Healthy Weight Action Plan 2019-2024 as well as lots of other great work happening in this space. More information will be included here in coming months on this great work. However, if you would like to know more about the projects our partners are working on, get in touch with the team today.

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birds eye view of team sitting around a table with post-it notes and paper