Jane Martin has agreed to speak at the next Weight Issues Network Community Meetup.
Jane Martin is the Executive Manager of the Obesity Policy Coalition and the Immediate Past President of the Australia New Zealand Obesity Society.
She leads the Obesity Policy Coalition, a partnership between Cancer Council Victoria and Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutrition (GLOBE) at Deakin University. The OPC advocates for policy and regulatory reform to prevent overweight and obesity, with a focus on food marketing, labelling and pricing measures.
Jane has worked in public health advocacy for more than thirty-five years covering tobacco control, alcohol policy and obesity prevention. Her interests lie in research, knowledge translation and partnerships to support reform. She collaborates on research grants and authors academic papers, blogs and opinion pieces. She is active in the media as a commentator and advises state and federal governments on alcohol and obesity policy.
She has also recently appeared on Magda’s Big National Health Check
Please contact Andrew Wilson either by email or on 0400 377 147 to be involved.