We believe that every person navigating their health journey deserves to be heard

Finding the right support for you or your family
We believe that every person navigating overweight and obesity deserves to be heard. And should be equipped with both the science and understanding they need to make their way.
That’s why we’ve created a space where you can find information to help you on your health journey. We also create space and provide support for people impacted by overweight and obesity who want to have an active role working with organisations to improve our health and social systems.
Evidence about what works for weight management or weight loss is continually emerging, so it’s good to find a healthcare professional that has a special interest in the topic, and keeps up to date with the evidence. Being able to talk to your health professional about everything that might be impacting on your health is important – so finding someone that you trust is important.
It might be a GP, Nurse Practitioner, dietitian or another health professional. If you don’t find them right away, keep looking.
What we’ve heard is that what’s important is the relationship with the professional, more so than which clinical profession they belong to. The key is that they are able to listen to you, and work with you to find the right care and treatment for YOU in YOUR circumstances. That may take a bit of trial and error as some things will work better for some people than for other people. It doesn’t mean that treatment doesn’t work – just that it might not be right for you.
Below are some resources that might help you on your journey.

“Overweight people are human with many complexities in their lives just like everyone else and deserve to be treated as such and not to be made to feel ashamed, outcast or an object of ridicule and blame.”
Tell your story
We want to hear from you! Our movement is driven by your voice and your stories, we’d love to hear from you. Send us a message if you’d like to tell us your story, want to be added to our mailing list, or involved in our ongoing collaboration to improve the health and wellbeing of our community.
Contact us today